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لم تعد النسخة القابلة للطباعة مدعومة وقد تحتوي على أخطاء في العرض. يرجى تحديث علامات متصفحك المرجعية واستخدام وظيفة الطباعة الافتراضية في متصفحك بدلا منها.

Lo Loestrin Fe which is commonly called just Lo Loestrin is a birth control treatment for women. It`s comprised of a small dose of the two bodily hormones, estrogen and progestin. These act in three specific approaches to stop pregnancy, they halt ovulation, as well as changing the fluid on the cervix. Which is the narrow part at the top end of the vagina, this will make it harder for semen to actually get into the uterus. Even the lining of the uterus is altered through the pill, making it far more difficult for an embryo to attach to the lining with the uterus.

Each pill only contains 10 micrograms of estrogen but continues to be able to provide fantastic protection against pregnancy. It also decreases the total quantity of bleeding days per month, to less than 4 on average, which is a distinct benefit. You`d need to be unlucky to concieve throughout the first year of use, as one clinical study that's been undertaken indicates that conception leads to only about 3% of women. It pays to follow the instructions for taking the pills carefully as this directly influences the chances of you getting pregnant, in other words the greater diligently you follow directions the less likely pregnancy becomes.

Possible Side Effects

Loestrin Side Effects - It`s possible you might experience some unpleasant reactions to the birth control treatment, if you have any chest soreness, breathlessness or speech problems speak to your doctor. In most cases these reactions are usually mild and it`s a simple matter to remedy.

very few ladies who take Lo Loestrin Fe will have any problems. The fact is the majority of women have no problems at all.

Based on the results of numerous studies, the most frequently described side effects include:

  • A feeling of sickness or vomiting.
  • Breakthrough hemorrhaging or even spotting.
  • Monthly periods that are uncomfortable.
  • Changes in weight.
  • Breasts tenderness.
  • Facial Pimples.
  • Painfull stomach area.
  • Feeling anxious.
  • Becoming depressed.

Loestrin Side Effects - In each package of pills the very first 24, coloured blue, contain the estrogen and progestin hormones. Inside the subsequent two pills, coloured white, there is only estrogen. The final two brown coloured pills contain just iron, no active human hormones at all. The thinking behind this can be that the iron can help prevent anemia which could be a consequence of blood loss throughout a woman's period. One might question the strength of only getting iron capsules for 2 days a month, however i guess the fact that Lo Loestrin Fe provides some iron for your individual is better than getting none at all.

This Health Warning applies

if you are older than 35 and smoke don't use Lo Loestrin Fe. This is because the medial side effects associated with its use are increased by cigarette smoking and increased age. These include stroke, blood clots and cardiac event, which can all be fatal.